Fajr Prayer
by Hany Omar

The fajr (dawn) prayer is amongst the most important acts of worship, being one of the five obligatory prayers. Unfortunately many of us have become so used to missing it at its prescribed time – which ends at sunrise - that we have forgotten its position in our religion, and barely feel anything is wrong when we wake up in the morning for work or school without having performed the fajr prayer. On the other hand, if one of us was to miss a job interview or a flight, we all know how disappointed he or she would feel. Therefore I thought I’d prepare this article as a reminder to myself first, then to all my brothers and sisters.

Muslims should know the great status of fajr in the sight of Allah. Allah (swt) says (interpretation of the meaning) “Establish regular prayers at the sun's decline till the darkness of the night, and the recital of the Qur’an in the fajr prayer, for the recital of the fajr is witnessed” (Al-Israa 17:78). In addition, the Prophet (saw) said: “Whoever prays the fajr prayer in congregation, it is as if he (or she) had prayed the whole night long.” [Muslim & Tirmidhi]. Now, to show the seriousness of missing this prayer, we present the Hadeeth of the Prophet (saw) “The most burdensome prayers for the hypocrites are ishaa and fajr, but if they only knew what they contain, they would come even if they had to crawl.” [Ahmad]

The practical aspect of dealing with the problem includes a number of steps which we can take in order to get used to praying fajr regularly in congregation:

Reference: Parts of this article are from Problems and Solutions by Sh. Muhammad Al-Munajjid.