The Seventeen Benefits of Tribulation excerpted from Hamza Yusuf's Lecture by Sister Sarah K.
- You realize the power of Lordship over you
- You realize your abject servanthood and your complete state of resignation and brokenness before the Will & Power of Allah
- Sincerity to Allah because you have no place of return in putting off or defending against the calamities except to Him
- You return to Allah and are suddenly fervent in your desire of your Lord
- It leads to a humbled state before Allah and more prayers through which you’re calling on Allah
- You’re forbearing towards the one who has afflicted you (you gain the ability to show forbearance)
- You get to forgive someone (“and Allah loves those who pardon others”). It is the greatest forgiveness when you forgive people who have caused you great calamities
- You are patient during the tribulation (“and Allah is with the patient ones”)
- You can become happy about what’s happening because you’re thinking about all these benefits
- You can be grateful for the tribulation because of the rewards gained from it
- The purification that these calamities have from your wrongs and your sins (ex: a believer is rewarded for any pain he experiences, even the prick of a thorn)
- The compassion that Allah enables you to show to others in tribulation and the ability to help them
- They give you the Blessing of having the true knowledge of the extent of well-being and what it is
- Allah has prepared Rewards for the calamities dependent on how you dealt with them
- What is hidden inside the Blessings of the folds of these calamities (ex: Allah may love a thing you hate and may hate a thing you love)
- They prevent you from arrogance, evil, pride, and tyranny
- Contentment