Sa'id ibn 'Amir (ra) was one of thousands who left for the region of Tan'im on the outskirts of Makkah at the invitation of the Quraysh leaders to witness the killing of Khubayb ibn 'Adi (ra), one of the companions of Muhammad (saw), whom they had captured treacherously.
With his exuberant youthfulness and strength, Sa'id (ra) jostled through the crowd until he caught up with the Quraysh leaders, men like Abu Sufyan ibn Harb and Safwan ibn Umayyah, who were leading the procession.
Now he could see the prisoner of the Quraysh shackled in his chains, the women and children pushing him to the place set for his death. Khubayb's death was to be in revenge for Quraysh losses in the Battle of Badr.
When the assembled throng arrived with its prisoner at the appointed place, Sa'id ibn 'Amir (ra) took up his position at a point directly overlooking Khubayb (ra) as he approached the wooden cross. From there he heard Khubayb's firm but quiet voice amid the shouting of women and children.
"If you would, leave me to pray two rak'ats before my death."
This the Quraysh allowed.
Sa'id looked at Khubayb (ra) as he faced the Ka'bah and prayed. How beautiful and how composed those two rak'ats seemed! Then he saw Khubayb (ra) facing the Quraysh leaders.
"By Allah, if you thought that I asked to pray out of fear of death, I would think the prayer not worth the trouble."
Sa'id (ra) then saw his people set about dismembering Khubayb's body while he was yet alive and taunting him in the process.
"Would you like Muhammad to be in your place while you go free?"
With his blood flowing, he replied:
"By Allah, I would not want to be safe and secure among my family while even a thorn hurts Muhammad (saw)."
People shook their fists in the air and the shouting increased.
"Kill him! Kill him!"
Sa'id watched Khubayb (ra) as he lifted his eyes to the heavens above the wooden cross.
"Count them all, O Lord," he said. "Destroy them and let not a single one escape."
Thereafter, Sa'id (ra) could not count the number of swords and spears that cut through Khubayb's body.
The Quraysh returned to Makkah and in the eventful days that followed forgot Khubayb (ra) and his death. But Khubayb was never absent from the thoughts of Sa'id (ra) now approaching manhood. Sa'id would see him in his dreams while asleep and he would picture Khubayb (ra) in front of him praying his two rak'ats, calm and contented, before the wooden cross. And he would hear the reverberation of Khubayb's voice as he prayed for the punishment of the Quraysh. He would become afraid that some unknown and sudden calamity would strike him because he did not try to help Khubayb (ra).
By his death, Khubayb had taught Sa'id (ra) what he did not realize before - that real life was faith and conviction and struggle in the path of faith, even until death. He taught him also that faith that is deeply ingrained in a person works wonders and performs miracles. He taught him something else too - that the man who is loved by his companions with such a love as Khubayb's could only be a prophet with Divine support.
Thus was Sa'id's heart opened to Islam. He stood up in the assembly of the Quraysh and announced that he was free from their sins and burdens. He renounced their idols and their superstitions and proclaimed his entry into the religion of Allah (swt).
Sa'id ibn 'Amir (ra) migrated to Madinah and attached himself to the Prophet (saw). He took part with the Prophet (saw) in the Battle of Khaybar and other engagements thereafter. After the Prophet (saw) passed away to the protection of his Lord, Sa'id (ra) continued active service under his two successors, Abu Bakr and 'Umar (ra). He lived the unique and exemplary life of the believer who has purchased the Hereafter with this world. He sought the pleasure and blessings of Allah (swt) above selfish desires and material comforts.
Both Abu Bakr and 'Umar knew Sa'id (ra) well for his honesty and piety. They would listen to him and follow his advice. Sa'id once came to 'Umar (ra) at the beginning of his caliphate and said he would like to give him some guidance. 'Umar agreed and Sa'id continued:
"I advise you to fear Allah in dealing with people and do not fear people in your relationship with Allah. Let not your actions deviate from your words, for the best of speech is that which is confirmed by action. In judging, do not give two types of verdict on a single issue, for this will cause your orders to be disregarded and you will serve from what is right. Accept what is supposed by evidence. This will bring you success. Allah (swt) will help you and reform those under your care through you.
"Keep your attention and you judgment steady concerning the Muslims, far and near, over whom Allah (swt) has given you authority. Like for them what you like for yourself and your family and dislike for them what you would dislike for yourself and your family. Surmount any obstacles to attain the truth and do not fear the criticisms of those who criticize in matters presented by Allah (swt)."
"Who can measure up this, Sa'id?" 'Umar (ra) asked.
"A man like yourself from among those whom Allah (swt) has appointed over the affairs of the Ummah of Muhammad (saw) and who feels responsible to Allah alone" replied Sa'id (ra).
Sometime later, the Khalifah sent for Sa'id ibn 'Amir (ra) and informed him that he was to be appointed as a governor and that one of his duties was to actively participate with the people in confronting hostile forces.
"'Umar," pleaded Sa'id, "do not involve me in trouble."
'Umar (ra) became upset and said, "By Allah, I will not spare you. You have all placed the responsibility of the caliphate on me and now you forsake me…" And he added, "I am not sending you to oppress people or violate their honor."
"By Allah, I shall not forsake you," Sa'id (ra) quickly responded.
'Umar appointed Sa'id (ra) as governor of Hims in Syria and offered him a gratuity.
"What shall I do with it, O Amir al-Mu'minin?" asked Sa'id (ra). "The stipend from the bayt al-mal will be more than enough for my needs." With this, he proceeded to Hims.
Not long afterwards, a delegation from Hims made up of people in whom 'Umar (ra) had confidence came to visit him in Madinah. He requested them to write the names of the poor among them so he could relieve their needs. They prepared a list for him in which the name Sa'id ibn 'Amir appeared.
"Who is this Sa'id ibn 'Amir?" asked 'Umar (ra).
"Our amir," they replied.
"Your amir is poor?" said 'Umar, puzzled.
"Yes," they affirmed. "By Allah, several days go by without a fire being lit in his home."
'Umar (ra) was greatly moved and wept. He got a thousand dinars, put it in a purse and said:
"Convey my greetings to him and tell him that the Amir al-Mu'minin has sent this money to help him look after his needs."
The delegation came to Sa'id (ra) with the purse. When he found that it contained money, he began to push it away from him, saying:
"From Allah (swt) we are and to Him we shall certainly return."
He said it in such a way as if some misfortune had descended on him. His alarmed wife hurried to him and asked:
"What's the matter, Sa'id? Has the Khalifah died?"
"Something greater than that."
"Have the Muslims been defeated in a battle?"
"Something greater than that. The world has come upon me to corrupt my Hereafter and create disorder in my house."
"Then get rid of it," said she, not knowing anything about the dinars.
"Will you help me in this?" he asked.
She agreed. He took the dinars, put them in bags and distributed them to the poor.
Not long afterwards, 'Umar ibn al-Khattab (ra) went to Syria to examine conditions there. When he arrived at Hims, which was called little Kufah because, like Kufah, its inhabitants complained a lot about their leaders, he asked what they thought of their amir. They complained about him mentioning four of his actions, each one more serious than the other.
"I shall bring you and him together," 'Umar (ra) promised. "And I pray to Allah that my opinion about him will not be damaged. I used to have great confidence in him."
When the meeting was convened, 'Umar asked what complaints they had against him.
"He only comes out to us when the sun is already high," they said.
"What do you have to say to that, Sa'id?" asked 'Umar (ra).
Sa'id (ra) was silent for a moment, then said, "By Allah, I really didn't want to say this but there seems to be no way out. My family does not have a home help so I get up every morning and prepare dough for bread. I wait a little until it rises and then bake for them. I then make wudu' and go out to the people."
"What's your other complaint?" asked 'Umar (ra).
"He does not answer anyone at night," they said.
To this Sa'id (ra) reluctantly said, "By Allah, I really wouldn't have liked to disclose this also, but I have left the day for them and the night for Allah, Great and Sublime is He."
"And what's your other complaint about him?" asked 'Umar (ra).
"He does not come out to us for one day in every month," they said.
To this Sa'id (ra) replied, "I do not have a home help, O Amir al-Mu'minin, and I do not have any clothes except what's on me. This I wash once a month and I wait for it to dry. Then I go out in the latter part of the day."
"Any other complaint about him?" asked 'Umar (ra).
"From time to time, he blacks out in meetings," they said.
To this, Sa'id (ra) replied, "I witnessed the killing of Khubayb al-Ansari (ra) in Makkah. I saw the Quraysh cutting him saying, 'Would you like Muhammad to be in your place?' to which he replied, 'I would not wish to be safe and secure among my family while a thorn hurts Muhammad…' By Allah, whenever I remember that day and how I failed to come to his aid, and the fact that I was a mushrik and did not believe in Allah Almighty, I think only that Allah (swt) will never forgive me and I black out."
Thereupon, 'Umar (ra) said, "Praise be to Allah Who has not blunted my ability to assess character." He later sent a thousand dinars to Sa'id (ra) to help him out. When his wife saw the amount, she said:
"Praise be to Allah Who has enriched us out of your service."
"Is there any way of spending it better?" asked Sa'id (ra). "Let us spend it on whoever comes to us and we would get something better for it when we are in greater need (on the Day of Judgment)," he suggested, thus showing that in giving charity his eyes were constantly focused on the Hereafter.
"Yes," she agreed.
He put the dinars into small bags and said to a trusted member of his family:
"Take this to the widow of so and so, and the orphan of that person, to the needy in that family and to the one who is suffering in the family of that person." A small piece of gold was left behind, which he gave to his wife to spend on her needs.
The poor and the needy loved Sa'id ibn 'Amir (ra) very much because of his sympathy and concern for people. He was indeed one of those who deny themselves even when afflicted by severe poverty.