Prophethood is not unknown to heavenly-revealed religions, such as Judaism and Christianity. In Islam, however, it has a special status and significance.
According to Islam, Allah (Arabic word for God) created man for a noble purpose: to worship Him and lead a virtuous life based on His teachings and guidance. How would man know his role and purpose of his existence unless he received clear and practical instructions of what Allah wants him to do? Hence the need for prophethood and accompanying guidance. Thus Allah had chosen from every nation one or more prophets to convey His message to the people. The Noble Qur'an says:
Allah says in the Noble Qur'an: "And verily We have sent among every nation a messenger (proclaiming):
In Islam, Prophets are considered to be men chosen by God to lead their people back to His Straight Path. These men are upright in nature and the most perfect of human beings. From birth through their prophethood, and until their death, Prophets of Almighty God are faultless.
According to the Bible: Prophet Solomon (peace be upon him) worshiped false gods (I Kings 11:9-10); Prophet David (peace be upon him) sent for Uriah's wife, Bathsheba, and committed adultery with her (II Samuel 11:3-5); Prophet Judah (peace be upon him) committed incest with his daughter-in-law, Tamar (Genesis 38:15-18); and Prophet Lot (peace be upon him) committed incest with his two daughters while drunken with wine (Genesis 19:32-36).
This is unacceptable in Islam. Unlike the Bible's portrayal of the Messengers of God, the Qur'an upholds that they were pious, upright men in their respective societies who inclined to the worship of their Creator and opposed the worship of created things, even before they were given their Prophethood."To every people (was sent) an Apostle: when their Apostle comes (before them) the matter will be judged between them with justice and they will not be wronged." (Qur'an, 10:47)
'Worship Allah (alone) and avoid evil.' Then of them were some whom Allah guided, and there were some upon whom straying was justified. So travel through the land and see what was the consequence of those who denied (the truth)." (Qur'an, 16:36)
A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History - Michael H. Hart
How Jesus (p) Described the Glory of Prophet Muhammad (p) - Dr Ahmad Shafaat
Jesus (p) in Hadith and Muslim Traditions
Love for the Prophet is a Condition of Faith - Dr. Ahmad Shafaat
Loving Rasulullah (saw) - Khalid Baig
Mohammad the Prophet - Prof. K. S. Ramakrishna Rao
Non-Muslim Verdict of Prophet Muhammad (p)
Physical (Body and Soul) Me'raj - Mufti Zubair Bayat
Prophet Muhammad (p), a Mercy for All Creatures
Prophet Muhammad's (p) Last Sermon
Quotations From Famous People - Dr. A. Zahoor and Dr. Z. Haq
Sermons of the Prophet (saw)
The Best of Creation - the "Walking Qur'an" - AbuBakr Karolia
The Prophet (saw) is Alive in His Grave - Mufti Ebrahim Desai
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