The Khawarij
by Khalid Dhorat

The Khawarij - people described as overtly pious, having impressions of prayer on their knees, palms and forheads - initially had three grievances against 'Ali.

  1. 'Ali had submitted to the arbitration of men when reaching a political stalemate with Amir Mu'awiyah at Siffin whereas Allah said: "Judgment lies only with Allah."

  2. In the battle of Jamal, 'Ali did not seize any booty nor captured any slaves. If the party of 'A'ishah were Believers, it was permissible to engage them in battle in the first place. If they were non-Believers, it was permissible to seize their possessions and capture their men.

  3. 'Ali resigned his position as the Commander of the Faithful. The Khawarij promised to retract from their views if 'Ali convinced them as to the fallacy of their arguments in the light of the Qur'an and the Prophet traditions.

'Ali replied in the following way:

  1. "Regarding your saying 'A man has arbitrated in the matter of Allah,' Allah says in the Qur'an: 'O you who believe, do not hunt while in a state of ritual consecration (Hurum). Whoever intentionally hunts amongst you, on him is a recompense similar to that on sheep to be judged by two just people amongst you.' Allah says regarding a husband and his wife: 'If you fear separation between them, appoint an arbitrator from his side and her side.' In these two cases, Allah had left the matter in the hands of people. I take an oath of Allah before you, Is not the arbitration in the matter of blood between Muslims better than arbitration between a husband and a wife or regarding a hunted rabbit whose price does not exceed four dirhams?" They replied: "Surely, this matter is superior."

  2. 'Ali continued: " Regarding your saying 'You fought them, but did not seize their booty nor captivatred them', can you capture your Mother 'A'ishah? If you say that she can be captured and treated like any of the other female slaves, you have surely comitted infidelity. If you say that she is not our mother than you have also comitted infidelity. You are thus hovering between two deviaions."

  3. Addressing the third query, 'Ali answered: "Regarding your saying that I obliterated my name as the Commander of the Faithful, I was present on the day of Hudaybiyyah when the treaty was being drafted. The Holy Prophet said: 'Write O 'Ali, this is what has been agreed upon by Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah.' Abu Sufyan and Suahil ibn 'Amr objected to this saying: 'We do not know that you are the Messenger of Allah. If we knew that you were the Messenger of Allah, we would not have opposed you.' Upon this, the Holy Prophet said: 'O Lord, you know that I am your Messenger. O 'Ali, write: "This is what Muhammad ibn 'Abdullah and Abu Sufyan and Suhail ibn 'Amr has agreed upon."'

After this, 2000 of the Khawarij changed their position and the rest of them still opposed 'Ali.