HAJJ (Pilgrimage) TO MAKKAH

The hajj is that largest annual Convention of Faith where millions of Muslims gather in the holy land, merging as streams of devotees from every corner of the earth to become part of the sea of Believers swirling in spiritually dancing waves around the Ka'bah in tawaaf. Each individual pilgrim, a drop in that ocean; a drop that always yearns to be part of that ocean. An ocean that knows no race, no language, no color, no gender, nor time. All praise is due to Allah for making this unique, international gathering of hajj an inexhaustible source for spiritual rejuvenation and as a perennial re-affirmation of faith.

Beyond the Ritual

The performance of prescribed rites, at specified times, at particular places in a recommended manner is aimed at reflecting a wholesome demonstration of Muslim fraternity. It acquaints the pilgrim with the historic, spiritual and physical environment of Adam and Hawa, of Ibrahim, Isma'il and Hajirah and of the final messenger of Allah (peace be upon all of them). By re-enacting some of the fundamental aspects of the best of our history (Hajirah's running in search for water, Prophet Ibrahim's preparedness to sacrifice his willing and obedient son or his pelting of the shaytaan ), all these identifies us with the best of our past and the lessons we need to learn from our great legacy.

Beautiful PICS of Hajj! Best Planner: Hajj Story - Muhammad Alshareef
Can a Debtor go to Hajj? - Shaikh Taha Karran
Dhul-Hijjah and the Day of Arafat for Non-Hajjis - Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Fifty Things to do at Hajj - Muhammad Alshareef
Hajj: A Guide for Intending Pilgrims
Hajj: The Journey of Hearts - Muhammad Alshareef
Hajj: The Perfection of Religion
Qurbani (Sacrifice) - Bahishti Zewar
Takbeer Tashreeq - Mufti Ebrahim Desai
The Call of Ibrahim - Muhammad Alshareef
What Should You Do Before Travelling to Makkah?