UN Watch: A World UNfit for Children
by Khalid Baig, Albalagh

The UN has done it again. The latest "outcome document", which was signed on 11 May 2002, advances is anti-family, anti-women, anti-children, anti-morality, and anti-decency agenda yet again. It is titled "A world Fit for Children." You can get a picture of what is really going on by adding UN to the title: A world UNfit for Children.

The UN has been working hard to create that world for decades, although it picked up steam during the last decade. It has now mastered the art of promoting wrongs in the name of rights. This latest plan, in the name of children's rights, includes the following main features.

  1. Destroy the very idea of the family. As this document repeats for the umpteenth time, "bearing in mind that in different cultural, social and political systems, various forms of the family exist."

  2. Marginalize the role of the family in the upbringing of the children. Among other things, this is to be achieved by giving powers to the people designated by the UN at the expense of the parents. It says: "NGOs and community-based organizations will be supported in their work and mechanisms should be established, where appropriate, to facilitate the participation of civil society in matters relating to children." It may be mentioned that 'civil society' in UN-speak refers to the NGOs and other organizations approved by it.

  3. Destroy parental authority. This is to be done by inciting the children and informing of their new right granted by the UN. Look at this command: "The right of children, including adolescents, to express themselves freely must be respected and promoted and their views taken into account in all matters affecting them ..."

  4. Destroy parental authority even more. Read this edict carefully: "ensure that adolescents, both in and out of school, receive the necessary information, including information on prevention, education, counseling and health care to enable them to make responsible and informed choices and decisions regarding their sexual and reproductive health." The children are the decision makers here. The role of the parents is to serve these decision makers by providing necessary information. Of course your friendly police of the "civil society" will be there to ensure that everyone is doing what they are supposed to be doing in this new world.

  5. Destroy parental authority yet some more. Did you think that the UN would spare you when dealing with your daughters? Read this: "Ensure that all individuals of appropriate age, especially women and adolescent girls, have affordable and universally accessible health care, including sexual and reproductive health."

  6. Minimize the role of religion; replace it with a vague and harmless 'spirituality'. This goes without saying for the UN has its own 'Shariah'; it cannot stand people following another Shariah.

  7. Eliminate the distinction between males and females. The UN loves a UNisex world.

  8. Destroy all vestiges of morality. Promote sex-education. Promote Condom culture. Promote promiscuity. Promote abortion.

This is a truly satanic plan, which is another way of saying that it is a UN plan. For every UN document on women, children, poverty, development, health, or what have you, produced over the last decade, is supersaturated with such edicts. The question is where were the people of consciousness and morality? They have been conceding more and more to the continuous, unimpeded encroachment by the UN juggernaut. Where were the Muslims? They have a double reason to be in the forefront in fighting this invasion: they are duty bound by Allah to be the torch-bearers in this age of darkness; and they stand to lose the most if they fail to resist. Yet they were nowhere in sight.

The UN is achieving its victories through stealth. While some ignorant and stupid people rubber stamp it in the name of Muslim countries, the larger Muslim world remains unaware of what is going on. Witness the scant media coverage and public discussion on this crucial issue.

Many people may have been assured that the Muslim delegates (along with the Vatican and the US) did put up a fight. Well, there is some truth in it. The US group did fight. It complained about a resolution condemning Israel for violence against Palestinian children and the deprivation of their human rights, arguing that a conference on children's rights was an inappropriate place to raise the issue of the rights of Palestinian children. And the issue was dropped!

The only achievement on moral issues was the dropping of the word services from 'reproductive health services.' It is like removing a small peace of bacon from the stew and declaring the rest as halal.

It is time Muslims realized the full magnitude of the threat posed by the UN and its 'rights' agenda. Muslim activists, opinion leaders, journalists, writers, religious leaders, political leaders, and all those who care must take note. It is either Islamic Shariah or the UN Shariah. It is either the path of Allah or the path of Shaytan. A world fit for children or a world UNfit for them. There is nothing in between.

Time to throw away the stew.