Sons of God (p) = (peace be upon him)
Sons of God
Adam (p) [Luke 3:38]
Solomon (p) [II Smauel 7:14]
Israel (Jacob) (p) [Exodus 4:22]
Ephraim (p) [Jeremiah 31:9]
angels [Genesis 6:1-4; Job 1:6]
common people [II Corinthians 6:18; Matthew 5:45]
David (p) [Psalms 2:7]
Jesus (p) [John 3:16]
Jesus (p) refused to be called the Son of God
Luke 4:41; Mark 8:29-30
Jesus (p) as a teacher
John 3:2
Jesus (p) as a Prophet
Matthew 21:11; Luke 7:16; 24:19; John 7:40
Jesus (p) as the Messiah
John 4:25-26
Jesus (p) as Lord
Luke 2:11
Jesus (p) as God
John 1:1
Saint Paul was the first to begin preaching that Jesus (peace be upon him) was the Son of God - and he didn't even live in the lifetime of Prophet Jesus!