Muslim businesses only, please.
Beautifulislam.net would like to help Muslim online businesses gain exposure for a low price, while using these moneys to maintain the site. This is a great opportunity for small businesses to advertise their site, as you can't beat this price anywhere else on the net.
For only $9 per month, your business banner ad will be rotated throughout the site. No matter how many viewers and how the site grows, our fee remains the same. For now, simple statistics are available (monthly views and click-thrus) but as the site grows, we intend to provide more detailed stats. Currently (as of November 1, 2004), our site receives over 900,000 hits per month, of which more than 10,000 are unique!
Each submitted banner will be subject to approval. Banner and business approval is the sole discretion of the site owner. Please, no animate life forms (animals or people), and no flashy animations are allowed. Each banner must be in .gif or .jpg format, no larger than 14kb. Banner dimensions can vary, but may not exceed 468x60.
To get started, e-mail: adsupport@beautifulislam.net with the following: